Write subject lines that people will open


Today I want to talk to you about email subject lines that get opened. Now, the very fastest way to create a whole list for yourself is to go through the emails that you've opened because 9 times out of 10 you have been your previous client before.

So, if you're opening those emails, then those subject lines clearly worked for you and they will work for your ideal client. Sound really simple, right? Spend the time. Go back through all of the emails that you've opened up, and what it was that got you to open those emails. What was the thing?

I'm going to let you on a secret. It's suspense, curiosity. Those are the things that are human nature that make up open things up. That's why when you give a gift to someone or a present, you wrap it up. It creates the suspicion, the curiosity, and it makes us want to rip it open.

Okay. So make sure that when you're writing you email subject line you create curiosity, you might do a surprise, and you want to stand out from everyone else. So, no long-winded email subject line. Keep that for the inside of the email. Just a little synopsis usually using their name also helps or some sort of emoji. Emojis have really great open rate now and are available in most CRM systems to use in the subject line as well.

So make sure you hit that curiosity point. Make sure it stands out in the emails. Americans on average get 136 emails a day, so you need to stand out with curiosity. So think about what you've opened before and use those as subject lines moving forward.

Subscribe and see more here on Money Penny TV 

And remember, your only one sale away from that Rich and Relaxed lifestyle.

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Create Your Elevator Pitch

Create Your Elevator Pitch

Have you ever had trouble coming up with a coherent answer when someone asked you what you did for a living? Being an online entrepreneur can seem hard to describe, but it’s easy, really! I’m going to tell you how to create your best elevator pitch so you feel super confident when you're heading out to dinner parties, networking events, or telling people online what you do.

What You Need to Know About Your Email List, Our Privacy Policy, and GDPR

Yawn - are you BORED of Privacy Policy emails? I know I am. I'm also surprised at some of the mailing list's I am on and haven't heard from them in YEARS! This prompted me to do a video series on why your email list is not GOLD like everyone tells you! Get the links to the videos and this week’s masterclass on GDPR here . . .

Have your guess...


So have you guessed the big whopper of a secret I have to tell you? 


Take a guess - 
(there are prizes for the right answer too)

A. I'm moving countries...

B. I'm having a baby...

C. I'm going to work with men too...

D. I'm getting a tattoo...

While you're mulling over the answer so you get a prize (you need to click the link to see if you're right)....I want to let you know that life as a child wasn't always easy. Although Mum was at home as a farming entrepreneur (see yesterdays email if you're a bit lost here) and I got to see the up side of doing your passion. 

I also saw the down side of being an entrepreneur. 

My Father went bankrupt at the age of 5. 

He was a helicopter pilot, OBE from the Queen for Search and Rescue and a serial entrepreneur with an appetite for high risk.

I remember hiding in the bathroom as our house was repossessed -- someone was banging on the door and after that everything changed. 

From that moment on, I realized a few things about money: I never wanted to be in this place again, I wanted to make my own money, I wanted to be able to live the life that I wanted, and I wasn’t going to repeat my family patterns. 

As I grew up, I was reminded of that lesson again when he defaulted on my private boarding school payments and then again when he failed to pay my Masters Degree fees at Uni.

I knew when I grew up to be a big girl (when do you become a big girl anyway?!) I wanted to be able to depend on my money and have stability and freedom in my life. 

I was sick of money being fleeting and never knowing what was around the corner. 

Although I graduated with a Masters in Science I ended up in a Sales Manager role. After all, I had to pay that Master degree off that my Father failed to pay!

Everyday at work was like being in a candy store! 

Sales lit something underneath me, it spoke to that little girl who wanted to have a positive relationship with money, to not be in fear mode and to finally break free. 

It also spoke to the achievement and driven side of me. It was some of the best days of my life; fancy cars, 6-star resorts during conferences and world wide travel. Meeting exciting people and changing lives. 

What I’ve realized from over 18 years in sales and millions of dollars sold that making money isn’t difficult and there’s more than enough for everyone. 

Trust me, that’s not something I believed when my dad defaulted on my school payments or I was up to my eyeballs in debt, but it’s true. 

Now my mission in life is to support women like you in knowing there’s a different way. You can run the business of your dreams, build relationships to convert cold traffic into dream clients. Have the luxuries you want and not feel nervous or sleazy when you get on a sales call.

You too can have the Rich and Relaxed lifestyle. 

Big love,

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P.S. I know this amazing German lady - Christine. She is a sales queen and is holding a Summit starting soon. I was lucky enough to be asked on as a guest. Boy we could have talked for hours...if the time difference wasn't 13 hours! (I'm ahead - counting that as a win 🤪). 
She has attracted a high calibre of ladies (I was impressed), so if you want xx free masterclasses then jump on this link and register. http://bit.ly/joinPenny

I have a secret...


I have a big secret that I have kept from you...

I'm going to reveal all tomorrow....

To be honest, I'm a bit scared to tell you...

While I bite a bit of my nail off deciding how to put it to you tomorrow I procrastinated and started to look at booking my Mum in to a spa for Mother's Day this Sunday.

It got me thinking about how my Mum has influenced my life, both directly and indirectly.

Can you relate?

You see I always saw my Mum as a stay-at-home-farming-mum. She was always there when I got the bus home from school. Yet never in the house as she was always outside with an animal or a plant; farming. 

I always thought she never had a job.

It wasn't until recently I realised she has the best 'job' in the world for her! 

  • She set's her own schedule.
  • She has got to be there for me growing up, every single day.
  • Everyday she works on her craft; testing, perfecting and being creative.
  • She's had some hard days when animals have died and some glorious days when they have given brith and multiplied her business.
  • She has the freedom to go to the shops when she wantsand has NO idea about rush-hour traffic or the term 'being late for work'.
  • If it rains she doesn't 'work', if she's sick she sleeps in and gets better.
  • Lunch is when she's hungry, not at a set time; and always home made.
  • And all her profit is HERS. She decides to re-invest in more animals or plants, or buy herself a new car.


How cool is that?

Want a life like that?


And when you ask her 'how's work' she promptly replies - 'I wouldn't know, I've never worked a day in my life!'.

You see, my mother is an entrepreneur through and through.

And once I could see that I was so inspired to be just like my Mum!

Can you honestly say 'I've never worked a day in my life!'?

How amazing would that be? 

I am here to say it can be your reality too. 

Do you think you can? 

I believe in you!

I can show you how...stay tuned....

Big love, 

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P.S. Still wondering how to tell you this big secret tomorrow... stay tuned and keep an eye on your inbox....

P.P.S. Meet Leanne -  She's a mum too creating a lifestyle where she can be with her kids, work her own hours and overcome the tech demon in her - have a listen below...

{FREE TRAINING} She made $136k from her copy...


Did you catch this weeks Mid Week Masterclass Extravaganza?!

We didn't see you on Live? No problem - jump in here and watch the replay.


Anna Powers walked us all through the importance of sales copy                                                (like going from $2k to $136 in a year....yahuh...we all want that                                                  right?!) to the actual template to plug and play in your sales page.

Now if your crushing it and have soo much money that you're                                                        already feeding a million children and providing fresh water to the                                                entirety of India - then thanks for joining my list Tony Robbins!

If you're not quite there yet then watch the replay and get gritty                                                    with these gems Anna went in to detail on - 

  • The importance of knowing your client and how to actually do that.
  • Pain is not just for the dentist but a place you need to take people too as well.
  • What the Heart Palace is...not what you might be thinking...

I loved how Anna ended with

"Business doesn't have to be over complicated, just use                                                                                             the template!"

So true - and you can get this amazing gift at the end of the                                                        recording. 

Jump on in!

Big love,


P.S. Want to know who is next weeks guest?? Make sure your                                                    Notifications is set to All Posts in the Sales Superhero Entrepreneur                                            Facebook Group to be first in line to know.  

NOTE - If you're not in the Sales Superhero Entrepreneurs Facebook                                            Group then click this link first - join and then the link to the vid will                                                work in this email for you.

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Our Class Tomorrow

Hi ,

Quickly checking you've heard about the Midweek Masterclass Extravaganza I'm hosting! 

We kick off tomorrow with Sara Anna Powers tomorrow.

Sara Anna Powers is a Success Coach and Copywriter who's passionate about helping female entrepreneurs create copy that converts. She's served more than 100 women as they grow powerful online businesses, and her copywriting clients have had multi-five-figure and even six-figure launches.


She'll be providing a training on how to craft a Stellar Sales                                                    Page for your signature offering. 

You'll also be getting an amazing template from her for free when                                       you're on LIVE. 

So put this in your diary and get ready to learn!                                                                                     
Thursday 4pm PST

The training will be held in the Sales Superhero Entrepreneurs Facebook Group -                        make sure your already a member by clicking here >>

Anna and I want to help you close more sales from your sales                                                pages so you can make more impact (and income) in less time. 

Sound like a plan Stan? Jump in here.

See you tomorrow!


P.S. Don't want to miss when we go Live?                                                                                      Get notifications straight in to your Messenger by clicking this link here >> https://manychat.com/l2/PennyCominsCoach


What supermodel Rachel Hunter said to me this week


"How much are we rushing through life to go to bed?"

Rachel Hunter - easily New Zealand's most beautiful export.

Discovered at age 17 running along the beach next to mine (might put mascara on next run!) she has been an international supermodel and actress for over 30 years.

Ex husband - Rod Stewart.

2 kids

Mo Money, Mo Looks, Mo Career.

You'd think she has it all right? 
...it's Ok to mutter lucky b....h
So I was surprised to hear her insecurities in an intimate evening this week.

Her not feeling liked, who was she to put any work out there, what would people think of her and how can she change careers to be more in line with who she really felt she was!


Yep - she is human!

Her message - stop rushing to fill life with life. Fill life with memories and experiences by being your true self. Surround yourself with people who love you. 

Thank you for being in my community , you are loved. 💕

Yet HOW do you stop the hustle? 

By stepping fully IN TO YOU; and not where you want go/be/do. Don't be what you're not; but step into this woman that you know deep down you are. Here you'll find calm. 

Easy for Rachel to say right? She has all the doors wide open for her...being a supermodel and all. 

But what she really meant, and you can too , is to be bold. Stop suppressing that urge inside of you...

If it is to -

  • Start a business with your talents and value yourself,
  • Grow your business in to areas you're unsure of like online,
  • Do a course that takes you further in your life,
  • Create more freedom in your day,
  • Go to yoga like you keep saying you will,
  • Eat organic and stop just talking about it,
  • Post that blog you'd love to but might offend,
  • Travel to the weird destination that everyone thinks your mad for doing,
  • Take the leap and invest in yourself. 

What is it that you need to do to be able to step fully in to YOU.

Or even a baby step forward to being more the powerful woman you know you are?

I believe in you xx

Big love,


P.S. Are you rushing to read this to get to the next thing, to the next thing to then flop in to bed tonight exhausted? 
Best to start thinking about how to become more Rich and Relaxed lovely!

P.P.S. Find out next week why Rachel is giving me such a big hug here too...


Do you stand out of the millions?


From a collection of 11.5 million images the National Geographic picked the top 50 photographs of all time. 

There are 16 million registered businesses in the US alone. Only 100,000 of them make more than $10 million a year. 

So why did visiting the National Geographic exhibition over Easter spark this thought? 

All images where mind blowing, captivating and balanced to perfection.

And they all had a story...

It went something like this...

"I was out in (insert dangerous location that is super hard to get to) when I was trying to capture images of (insert hard to photograph subject) when I was about to give up, pack it in for the day and just make do with what I had shot." 

"I then turned around and saw (insert amazing image) and started shooting candidly! I followed them and just went for it! And there it was - the perfect image."

In the entrepreneurial world this is called the 'overnight success'. 

When in reality these internationally acclaimed FAMOUS photographers where about to quit, about to throw it in and make do. They took one last photo and hit the jackpot.

In the entrepreneurial world this is called grit, belief and determination. 

Think to a time when you have wanted to quit, gave it one last shot and then 'whola!' it happened. 

You got that client.

Your landing page converted above 20%

Your Facebook ad was approved...and converted!

Someone finally watched your Facebook Live 😉


And it wasn't an over night success. It looks like that to the outside world...but you know that you've put the effort in and it all just works now. 

What a wonderful feeling ah ?

Just like the 50 images out of 11.5million - you too can be the one that stands out from the 16 million registered businesses and be the 'overnight success'.

I believe in you. 

Big love,


P.S. If you're still waiting for the 'whola!' moment then keep being consistent and persistent. 
These ladies have for the past 50 days and on their way to $3k! You can too

Check this out.


From a collection of 11.5 million images the National Geographic picked the top 50 photographs of all time. 

There are 16 million registered businesses in the US alone. Only 100,000 of them make more than $10 million a year. 

So why did visiting the National Geographic exhibition over Easter spark this thought? 

All images where mind blowing, captivating and balanced to perfection.

And they all had a story...

It went something like this...

"I was out in (insert dangerous location that is super hard to get to) when I was trying to capture images of (insert hard to photograph subject) when I was about to give up, pack it in for the day and just make do with what I had shot." 

"I then turned around and saw (insert amazing image) and started shooting candidly! I followed them and just went for it! And there it was - the perfect image."

In the entrepreneurial world this is called the 'overnight success'. 

When in reality these internationally acclaimed FAMOUS photographers where about to quit, about to throw it in and make do. They took one last photo and hit the jackpot.

In the entrepreneurial world this is called grit, belief and determination. 

Think to a time when you have wanted to quit, gave it one last shot and then 'whola!' it happened. 

You got that client.

Your landing page converted above 20%

Your Facebook ad was approved...and converted!

Someone finally watched your Facebook Live 😉


And it wasn't an over night success. It looks like that to the outside world...but you know that you've put the effort in and it all just works now. 

What a wonderful feeling ah ?

Just like the 50 images out of 11.5million - you too can be the one that stands out from the 16 million registered businesses and be the 'overnight success'.

I believe in you. 

Big love,


P.S. If you're still waiting for the 'whola!' moment then keep being consistent and persistent. 
These ladies have for the past 50 days and on their way to $3k! You can too

Exciting News!


It's time to celebrate and give you 1 of 2 awesome FREE opportunities !



Because The Sales Superhero Entrepreneur Facebook Group has reached 1,000 awesome ladies!

Jump in here to pick which one you want....

(If you're not part of the Group (I'm not sure why you wouldn't be but sometimes it happens!) then you will need to join first for the above link to work. Join here >>)



P.S. Can you tell I am pumped?!


is this you?


We are quickly growing and expanding our enrollment team again!

I’m excited to announce that I'm looking for two action-taking sales professionals who has successful experience in conducting strategy sessions to enrol clients into the right-fit program, over the phone.

If you view this enrollment conversation as a powerful conversation to help someone bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to me, rather than a sales conversation, and you have a proven history of sales/enrollment success, you may be what I’m looking for!

This team member will provide valuable and transformational coaching sessions to fill our clients programs with their ideal clients as part of the team in the Sales Done 4 YOU Agency.

This may be the perfect position for you if you are great at INSPIRING others to take immediate action to get the help they need.

Part of being a great sales professional is being able to communicate and coach someone through their challenges and inspire them to take action despite the fear or roadblock. Is this you?

If you have any kind of personal growth, business coaching or online marketing experience, that is an added plus.

1. You need to have a deep desire to make a difference and impact peoples’ lives.

2. You need to be a great listener, fast learner and be willing to be on the phone doing strategy sessions 25+ hours a week. YES…You can work from anywhere you like! But you must work hard because this position is performance-based.

If you're NOT comfortable talking to people, flushing out objections and working at a fast pace to build and make a difference in humanity, then this isn't for you.

3. You must be a super high communicator, not only with clients, but with your teammates. We have an amazing team, and we intend to keep it that way. Show up and keep your commitments, communicate consistently and positively with your team at all time as we continue to empower each other and serve our clients in the highest level.

4. You must desire to be with an organization long term. I am looking for 2 people that can take a bare minimum of 20-25+ strategy sessions a week, which is a minimum of 25-30+ hours. The more hours you can put in, the faster you will grow and succeed.

You will be fully trained the PCSales way too with access to a membership area full of training videos, scripts and checklists.

If you're looking to get some experience and go somewhere else, please don't apply. If you are only able to dedicate 15 hours a week, this isn’t the right match.

5. I want someone that has experience enrolling people on the phone in just one or two calls, if you have experience enrolling high-ticket, that's a plus.

6. You must be willing and hungry to study our clients program and marketing content so you fully understand what they teach and be able to confidently mirror the language to best serve their clients by enrolling them into their program during the strategy sessions.

Really, I want a long term sales/enrollment master that is also team-oriented, service-based and LOVES inspiring clients to take action on their dreams.

How to Apply:

1. Create a video answering the questions below. Resumes are welcome, but a video is a MUST. You will be disqualified without a video submission.

2. Video must be a maximum of 3 minutes, no longer. Longer videos will not be viewed.

3. Send the link for your video (if Youtube, make sure it is set as "unlisted") to info@pennycomins.com (Do not attach a video – it will not be opened).

4. Fill in the Subject of your email as: Enrollment Sales Professional Application

5. Please Note: Due to volume of applicants, we may not acknowledge receipt of your application or reply quickly to your questions. If you are a candidate, we will contact you for an interview within 1 week of your email application receipt.

6. All applications are due by Friday, March 23 at 9a.m. PT. The sooner you get the application in, the sooner you will be considered.

We are looking to fill these 2 roles ASAP.

Questions to answer in your video application:

What is your experience in sales, enrolment, coaching, and online marketing? 

What is your sales conversion rate?

What online program or high-end masterminds have you been a part of?

Why do you want to work with someone like me and what do you know about me and the agency?

What is a common objection you get when selling or enrolling someone, and how do you handle the objection?

What's the highest ticket item you have ever sold and what was it?

What's your biggest fear or challenge in sales? (If you say nothing, please know that you will be disqualified)

I look forward to your video submission to consider you for a spot in our family!

Big love,


P.S. Come and join our growing team at my Sales Done 4 YOU Agency. Application outline above. Above awesome training is provided as is remuneration.

Could this be you?

👀 🤩We are quickly growing and expanding our enrolment team again! 💥☎️

I’m excited to announce that I'm looking for two action-taking sales professionals who has successful experience in conducting strategy sessions to enrol clients into the right-fit program, over the phone.

If you view this enrollment conversation as a powerful conversation to help someone bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to me, rather than a sales conversation, and you have a proven history of sales/enrollment success, you may be what I’m looking for!

This team member will provide valuable and transformational coaching sessions to fill our clients programs with their ideal clients as part of the team in the Sales Done 4 YOU Agency. www.salesdone4you.com

This may be the perfect position for you if you are great at INSPIRING others to take immediate action to get the help they need.

Part of being a great sales professional is being able to communicate and coach someone through their challenges and inspire them to take action despite the fear or roadblock. Is this you?

If you have any kind of personal growth, business coaching or online marketing experience, that is an added plus.


1. You need to have a deep desire to make a difference and impact peoples’ lives.


2. You need to be a great listener, fast learner and be willing to be on the phone doing strategy sessions 25+ hours a week. YES…You can work from anywhere you like! But you must work hard because this position is performance-based.


If you're NOT comfortable talking to people, flushing out objections and working at a fast pace to build and make a difference in humanity, then this isn't for you.


3. You must be a super high communicator, not only with clients, but with your teammates. We have an amazing team, and we intend to keep it that way. Show up and keep your commitments, communicate consistently and positively with your team at all time as we continue to empower each other and serve our clients in the highest level.


4. You must desire to be with an organization long term. I am looking for 2 people that can take a bare minimum of 20-25+ strategy sessions a week, which is a minimum of 25-30+ hours. The more hours you can put in, the faster you will grow and succeed.


You will be fully trained the PCSales way too with access to a membership area full of training videos, scripts and checklists.


If you're looking to get some experience and go somewhere else, please don't apply. If you are only able to dedicate 15 hours a week, this isn’t the right match.


5. I want someone that has experience enrolling people on the phone in just one or two calls, if you have experience enrolling high-ticket, that's a plus.


6. You must be willing and hungry to study our clients program and marketing content so you fully understand what they teach and be able to confidently mirror the language to best serve their clients by enrolling them into their program during the strategy sessions.


Really, I want a long term sales/enrolment master that is also team-oriented, service-based and LOVES inspiring clients to take action on their dreams.


How to Apply:

1. Create a video answering the questions below. Resumes are welcome, but a video is a MUST. You will be disqualified without a video submission.


2. Video must be a maximum of 3 minutes, no longer. Longer videos will not be viewed.


3. Send the link for your video (if Youtube, make sure it is set as “unlisted”) to info@pennycomins.com (Do not attach a video – it will not be opened).


4. Fill in the Subject of your email as: Enrolment Sales Professional Application


5. Please Note: Due to volume of applicants, we may not acknowledge receipt of your application or reply quickly to your questions. If you are a candidate, we will contact you for an interview within 1 week of your email application receipt.


6. All applications are due by Friday, March 23 at 9a.m. PT. The sooner you get the application in, the sooner you will be considered.

We are looking to fill these 2 roles ASAP.

Questions to answer in your video application:

What is your experience in sales, enrolment, coaching, and online marketing?

What is your sales conversion rate?

What online program or high-end masterminds have you been a part of?

Why do you want to work with someone like me and what do you know about me and the agency?

What is a common objection you get when selling or enrolling someone, and how do you handle the objection?

What's the highest ticket item you have ever sold and what was it?

What's your biggest fear or challenge in sales? (If you say nothing, please know that you will be disqualified)

I look forward to your video submission to consider you for a spot in our family!

Big love,

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