Sales Automation Mistakes All Women Who Wants To Make Her Own Money Through An Online Business Need To Avoid!

Automation is awesome - when it works. When it doesn’t then it can be super embarrassing AND costly.

Trust me - I have done every cock up in the book. I have had my head in my hands wanting the kitchen floor to open up and swallow me when I have got a message to my phone saying ‘I’ve recieved this email 9 times now, can you please take me off your list.’

So here’s the list (and it’s not definative!)

​​​Sales Automation Mistakes All Women Who Wants To Make Her Own Money Through An Online Business Need To Avoid!

- not having a clear path for your leads to flow through that is progressive to their journey

- not putting an end on your automation leaving all leads stuck in the automation ethos.

- not having a thank you for buying my thing email

- linking to the top page of your calendar and showing no availability ​- people can't book calls with you if you're not there!

- putting links in emails that aren't tested and going to 404 pages 🤦‍♀️  (I have done this A LOT!)

- rushing and not testing an email before it goes out

- ​​​​​​​not testing a funnel and having leads not get their freebie - this happens A LOT more than you realise. Money down the drain!

- sending the same email out multiple times

- rushing in to the sales emails without nurturing your leads - another BIG no-no that can lead to having your email provider shut you down and you loose ALL your contacts

- using an old template and not updating it to suit the current time/season/date

- using a bitly link in an email​​​​

- not having a payment link working​​ to a cart

I am sure I will keep making cock ups with automations as I keep diving deeper in to what my clients want and creating a bespoke service for them to feel loved and cherished. Just like you do in a relationship. You try things to make them feel loved and cherished. Some go well and others flop. It’s ok, as long as you keep trying.

Learn from my mistakes. If you need help then let me know. ​​

Penny x