Why do you need a business coach?

A few weeks ago a few questions came up in my woman’s networking meeting that made me wild!

You see we were being offered new business coaching options. Being in the coaching world I thought they were awesome and was fully interested. 

However the other ladies int he group were more dubious and hesitant….

“Why do you need a business coach?”

“Why would you invest with a business coach without a sure outcome of results?”

Now there are lots of reasons to get a business coach and lots of outcomes to be had depending on your weaknesses and what you want to become strong at. 

But the one thing that moves your business forward with a coach is accountability.

Think about visiting a nutritionist - everyone knows how to eat right? You can look it up online or follow a new diet book. Heck you can even use an app to take a photo of your food and it will analysis the plate. But when you do it on your own you never get lasting results do you? Knowing that you have to go and see your nutritionist next week means you don’t have an extra helping at dinner or dive in the the chocolate box.

It might be your accounts. Sure you could work out how to do it yourself and file your own Tax Return but you entrust a specialist to make sure they do all the tricks of the trade and ensure you get you act together in your finances so you don’t get a penalty. They hold you accountable. 

Or the Personal Trainer you hire - you always get your butt to the gym knowing that you have a session with your PT. Versus going on your own and pumping iron which may or may not happen depending on your mood. You know which session gets you doing the best workout and which gets the fastest results right?

SO business coaching is the same - it’s about accountability and getting faster results than you would get on your own.

In my business that looks like growing your business on line with proven techniques that create relationships and buyers in your niche. It’s about getting momentum in your business in a faster way than googling everything and setting your own deadlines, that you then move several times over.

This accountability in my business is either through on-on-one coaching or the Get Momentum Mastermind. 

In the Get Momentum Mastermind, where along with other like minded woman business owners, we grow your business by focusing on online sales activities. 

We get focused first on trawling through the contacts you already have and re-engaging them. Then we work on 3 proven online sales generating activities - 

  • Tremendous Traffic on Autopilot to the Five Figure Funnel

  • The Fastest Way to Book Clients through a Winning Webinar Format

  • The Most Profitable Lead Generation through Community Challenges

So back to the first questions = 

Q1 - Why a business coach - accountability and fastest path to results

Q2 - What results will I get for such big investment with a coach?

Just like you pick a hotel by the TripAdvisor recommendations or a movie by the critics rating - pick your coach by their testimonials. Make sure there is a range of video, audio, screenshot and written testimonials. Look for someone that has had a similar problem and what results they got from working with the coach. Can you see yourself in that position? 

Here are some of my testimonials from previous clients >>

Click through to see over 150 testimonials >>

So now you know what to look for in a coach and how to pick one to get your desired success.

If you’d like to know how to collect testimonials that see then hit reply and I’ll flick you a template.

Penny x