Breaking News! Do this for Consistent Clients in 2020

Started the year with a hiss and a roar? New journals, new diaries, new dreams and new enthusiasm to GO LARGE this year, no matter what! And then, well, you’ve been working hard. Kinda-of kept that consistency up….


Well, you still need more clients. Some leads would be nice too. Right?

I hear ya! As a friend said this week - Crickets doesn't build Confidence. She was soo right. All hearing nothing does creates doubt, allows that little fearful voice in ‘this is never going to work…’ and you loose enthusiasm.

Don’t worry you’re not alone. In fact January is THE most depressing month of the calendar year. It’s when all New Year's Resolutions go out the window, the gyms empty out, chocolate and wine consumption goes back up and credit card bills are due. 

But don’t worry, I’m here to show you how to get consistent clients - for the whole of 2020 - regardless of the date. Consistent Clients comes from YOUR consistency. A bit of an oxymoron right when you’re not hearing anything right? So let’s flip your problem on it’s head….

Start with celebrating. Celebrate every little movement of the needle. This might be a new follower on Instagram (hyper link to my Instagram and tag IG Link) or someone watching your Live. Celebrating only once when you sign a client or sell a product isn’t the right positive feedback loop, that you’re looking for to get momentum to have Consistent Clients. You want to be able to celebrate as you go, so that you feel the joy of completing a task.  This joy creates continued enthusiasm to keep going, which in turn gives you the motivation to tackle the next task. You then see the success of completing that task. 

Which gives you the confidence to keep going. Feeling confident that you’re going on the right path brings joy in what you’re doing every day and the flywheel of momentum keeps going.  As this flywheel keeps spinning, this is how you get yourself to a high level of productivity, engagement, and eventually sales and money in your bank account.

You might be thinking - a follower on Instagram isn’t converting to Consistent Clients and money in the bank for me though Penny.

I know exactly how you feel.

In fact, I felt the same way when I started back up after having my bubba. And up until recently, it was a really brutal learning curve. In fact, it was worse than most people realize! 

But a few months ago, I found a simple way to get Consistent Clients again.

I decided to just have FUN and be myself. To show up consistently as myself was MUCH easier than trying to be all manicured everyday and glamorous like ‘a successful lady would’.  It became easy and enjoyable, making the flywheel spin faster and faster. 

You know why? Because People buy People - not services or products. 

So if I can do it you can too! Start off by coming in to the Get Momentum Entrepreneurs Facebook Group and; 

  1. say hi, 

  2. introduce yourself, 

  3. Let us know what you do and 

  4. how you help people. 

Make it fun and see how people notice more. Go on - I DARE YOU! :) 

Love Penny xx