
20. Pinterest, your new goldmine?

20. Pinterest, your new goldmine?

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Been called a Spitfire by Barack Obama herself, Monica is anything but quiet and a pushover. She gained the interest of the White House because of her blog where she shared her outrage about the horrible laws America has when it comes to maternity leave.

If this shows anything it's that Monica will leave no stone unturned to make waves in the area she's passionate about. Lucky for us, her interest has shifted to the power of Pinterest to drive sales in your business, and she's sharing her expertise with us today.

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“ Business is a bunch of failures mixed together to make a success. ”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

Monica_redefining_mom-34 - Monica Froese.jpg

I never was going to start a business that was not actually on my roadmap whatsoever. I spent 11 years working for a fortune 100 company on the tech space, I was on the corporate track. And then in 2012, I had my first baby and in the United States, we have horrible laws for maternity leave and that's when things changed…

[09:47] I I was getting asked the question so many times that I recorded 13 videos in 2017, it was not meant to be a course. It was just 13 videos, basically answering all the questions I kept getting asked. And from there, it took on a life of its own. Once you get one person results and the next person wants results and they recommend you to their friends.

[13:20] The real key on Pinterest is that you have to think of it as what is my person coming to? What problem are they searching? What visual inspiration can I provide to them? And then, so basically their problem is the keyword. The search result is the inspiration. And once they click to your site, your sales funnel is the solution.

[14:41] Instagram requires more con connection than Pinterest does. So it's actually, the thing is, you really can make passive sales on Pinterest. So think about effort. There's some effort that goes into Instagram and maybe I'm biased because I've been doing this a long time. But Pinterest, to me, it kind of seems like, well, people are already there searching for it. 

There are more ways that lead to Rome, and maybe you weren't planning on starting your own business. But like Monica, things changed in your life and somehow you found your way to the entrepreneur life. Know that there are things that make your life easier though! You don't have to figure it all out on your own.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


Follow Monica on Instagram: @redefiningmom

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Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Monica today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


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