limiting beliefs

EPISODE 2 Hitting Refresh on 2020 With Lisa Corduff


You won't get more honesty than this lady! Lisa calls BS on most the stories we are telling ourselves and sheds a light on the truth why we are not seeing growth in our business.



What my kids need to see is me showing up for myself.


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

"There's so much codependence with our business. If my business is thriving, then I'm awesome. Your business is not going to thrive all the time. And so what are you going to make that mean for yourself?".


[00:02:46] In order to get to the next level, you have to look at yourself, look at what you believe about yourself, and really, ask yourself if these are truths or if they just bullshit stories that are holding you back and stopping your growth.

[00:07:30] Things might not end up being the way you think that they're going to be, but where unhappiness lies is between what's actually going on and the story that we're telling ourselves about how we think it should be.

[00:22:04] Our kids need us to be our best selves. Am I honouring Lisa? Am I following her path? Am I growing and expanding? Loving my children is the thing that requires no effort. I mean, it's just a given. I will always show up and then I can honour myself, too

Lisa believes honouring herself is what makes her a good mom. Kids need to see us show up and communicate what we need.



Follow Lisa on Instagram: @lisacorduff

Download Lisa's FREE video: how to prioritize when life gets hectic (so you can free up time, ditch the guilt, and finally breathe again.)

Listen to Lisa's Podcast: Conversations With Lisa

Connect with Lisa on her website:

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Lisa today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


Get Momentum - Your Ultimate Guide To Create $100k in 100 Days Without Fear, Overwhelm and Burnout is the book that gives you the perfect mix of mindset and strategy to create a business and life you love. I call it the Woo with the Doo! Grab a copy here today!

And if you are ready to Hit Refresh On 2020…

Come and join me for my live webinar on the 26th of June. We will be discussing

>> 3 daily habits and mindset tweaks you must know to have consistent clients <<

You will learn:

  • Secret #1 - THE Must Have Daily Sales Activity

    What to focus on Every. Single. Day. to have consistent clients coming to you without feeling overwhelmed and an out of control To Do List.

  • Secret #2 - The ONE Thing Stopping You

    Identify the REAL thing holding your business back from being the success you want it to be in this one simple step.

  • Secret #3 - Your Business Engine

    Look after this key element to have long term success and consistent income in a business you actually love.

Registration NOW OPEN