Welcome sequence

46. How to use social proof and your audience to grow a successful business with Jason Wright

46. How to use social proof and your audience to grow a successful business with Jason Wright


The world is ever-changing and what worked for your biz yesterday might not work today.

Wondering why your first launch did better than expected yet the same launch a year later all you hear is crickets?

Jason Wright provides us with absolute gold on how to NOT let your boat get rocked because of the waves of political and economical changes by utilizes this ONE valuable asset that every business has…

Curious? Click play to find out!

The world is ever-changing and what worked for your biz yesterday might not work today. Wondering why your first launch did better than expected yet the same launch a year later all you hear is crickets?


"Social Proof (REVIEWS) are so important! When you work with a new client, you want to set that expectation upfront, that I'm going to do what I need to do to make sure to get a five-star review from you.”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

Jason Wright.png

[2:56] “What I've found with marketing is something that works now doesn't work forever. The market changes all the time because of economic and political factors. Offers that were really appealing to your audience at one time may not be in the future. If you're in entrepreneurship long enough, there's a chance that you're going to have to take a step back and rebuild".

[4:49] “Continually engage your audience, whether it's through Podcast, Email, Facebook Lives, or all the above, the closer you are to the people you serve, when things stop working for you, you can say, Hey, you're in my best clients. “What do you think? Is this still something you're interested in?" If you can put your ear to the ground and you have that open line of communication, it makes it much easier to just get things rolling that people want then rather than trying to figure it out on your own".

[7:19] “Start building that audience now and never stop. It is just an unbelievably valuable asset to have. Financially, a big audience is so valuable. It's unbelievable and it doesn't matter where you build that. People who realize that are generally more successful with their business, for sure.”



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Don’t miss out on Jason’s Welcome email sequence + screen share explainer video.

If you loved hearing from Jason and I today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


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