
23. Business at the front, party at the back. You don't always have to be go-go-go.

23. Business at the front, party at the back. You don't always have to be go-go-go.

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Magic. That's is the standard Taki Moore runs his business by. Not some, one-size-fits-all product you can buy in a box, but creating a business that fits you like a glove so you can happily do it forever.

He describes his own business like a mullet, business in the front, party in the back. They work hard, but they also celebrate, rest, and reflect. You will definitely walk away from this episode with one or two nuggets you are going to want to implement into your business, if not for success, then definitely to make it a bit more fun.


“It’s best to run a business that fits you, not somebody else’s business model. That way you have a business that doesn’t just make great money and help clients win, but it feels great to you and you could effortlessly do it forever.”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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This business journey… If you knew upfront what it was going to take. Yeah. Like nobody would take that deal. If you're good at this, or frankly, any business, you're a problem solver. That's kinda, that's your life and frankly, we've got to where we are by solving the next problem.

[03:50] One thing I will say is if you're early stage business, I think it's dangerous to look at what seven and eight figure people do and go, Oh, I should be doing that because they're doing what's right for their stage now, not necessarily what you should be doing to get there.

[08:03] Conversions happen in conversations. And so it's just about having a conversation and working out like, are we a fit or are we not? If we are a fit, it's going to be obvious to both of us that we should work together. And if we're not, it's going to be obviously the most that we want and let's just kind of leave it right there

[18:38] We run our business on six week cycles. And what I love about that is it puts you in this kind of a mad scientist experimenting position all the time, which is really fun. There's like zero pressure it six weeks if it bombs in six weeks, Okay, well, we'll do something else in the next next cycle. And if it works, we keep it. And so I love the freedom that experimenting gives you

If Taki could do one thing different it is that he would have hired people to help him in his business BEFORE he could even afford it. He'd get a VA and get people like ad specialists and graphic designers so they could work in their zone of genius and he could focus on his. Because after all… THAT'S WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS!


Penny Elliott Podcaster

Follow Taki on Instagram: @takimoore

Get Taki's freebie - The Webinar Walkthrough

Connect with Taki on his website: milliondollarcoach.com

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Taki today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


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