EPISODE 5 Hitting Refresh on 2020 With Lisa Carpenter


This interview just blew me away! Lisa has such a clear vision on how to run her business and life and you can see the results in everything she does. Grab a pen and paper for this one!


"If you're not taking care of yourself, how are you going to have the endurance for what's coming after?”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

Your self-care should never go to the bottom of the pile regardless of circumstances. And this time in life, you know, COVID is giving us an opportunity to really look at the patterns of behavior that we're caught in that aren't serving us.


"We want this straight line from point A to point B. But it's not like that with anything. Not with parenting, not like in your relationship, and not like that in your business either".

[00:05:16] the truth is before COVID hit, we never had certainty as entrepreneurs. So you have to build your business based on knowing that uncertainty is part of it. Businesses go up, businesses go down, things happen. But if you constantly hitting the panic button and shift, pivot, or go to work harder, thinking that that's going to solve the problem, there is a bigger problem that you need to take a step back and look at.

[00:07:55] when you eliminate the external circumstances and you really get radically honest with yourself about the things, the stories and beliefs that you're holding on the inside that are preventing your success you'll become bulletproof 

[00:12:04] I actually don't believe people are gaining weight during COVID because they have an excess of food because that food was always available before people are gaining weight because they are eating their emotions right now. People do not have the emotional fluency to actually be present with their emotions when we can't be present with our emotions and how we're feeling. We will find ways to cope or numb out those emotions.

I believe that women are going to have a tremendous impact in the world moving forward. However, it is 100 percent dependent on women getting out of their B.S. stories in their heads about having to do all the things all the time for everybody else and making themselves an afterthought until women recognize that making themselves a priority is truly the path to their greatest success and their greatest impact



Follow Lisa on Instagram: @lisacarpenterinc

Download Lisa's FREE PDF to spot Adrenal Fatigue

Connect with Lisa on her website: lisacarpenter.ca

Listen to Lisa's Podcast: Full Frontal Living

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Lisa today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


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And if you are ready to Hit Refresh On 2020…

Come and join me for my live webinar on the 26th of June. We will be discussing

>> 3 daily habits and mindset tweaks you must know to have consistent clients <<

You will learn:

  • Secret #1 - THE Must Have Daily Sales Activity

    What to focus on Every. Single. Day. to have consistent clients coming to you without feeling overwhelmed and an out of control To Do List.

  • Secret #2 - The ONE Thing Stopping You

    Identify the REAL thing holding your business back from being the success you want it to be in this one simple step.

  • Secret #3 - Your Business Engine

    Look after this key element to have long term success and consistent income in a business you actually love.

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