{2min read} The Top 5 Ways to Coronavirus-proof your business


Coronavirus is a pandemic. Yes.

But not everyone will get the virus. 

YET everyone is filled with fear. 

Don't believe me? Cough in public and see how many people leap away from you and give you a down the nose look.

Economic down turn is unravelling all around us. The markets are crashing, exports from China are not leaving and death reports grow.

No-one has an answer to 'just how bad it will get' and when it will stop.

The world is spinning in fear of 'what next'. Fear is fuelling the fire.

I've seen far too many posts today about how this pandemic will destroy small businesses.

Now I am NOT discounting the fact that Coronavirus is serious and my love goes out to those who are effected and their families.

But I want you to STOP for a minute and not get sucked in to the media fuelled fear. 
You have an online business. So you are in the right industry as you deliver your services to people in their homes. And as the world is turning inwards to be int heir homes you have a much greater captive audience. 

So as Tony Robbins drills home in his Money Master The Game book - you invest in a bare market. 

It is a bare market RIGHT NOW. So it is time for you to INVEST and DOUBLE DOWN on your business. Not a time to close the doors but a time to be hyper present in your communities online and in service. While the world is on their phones consuming you want to be in front of them. While the world is bored at home, having space to think about what they really want from life you want to be in front of them with new opportunities. 

This is NOT a time to throw in the towel and blame the Coronovirus for your business not taking off. This is a time to up level and provide for people. 

The Top 5 ways to Coronovirus-proof your business.

1. Turn off the news and get out of the fear vibration. People buy people and if your vibe is of scarcity you won't attract or sell a bean! Now I am not saying be insensitive to peoples genuine concerns but don't buy in to the vibration. Up-level yourself to be in service to people. For example - I could say to myself 'no-one will want to buy my Sales Swipe Files now because the world is going in to a recession' but that is totally NOT true. I sold two suites while I was out swimming this morning. Why? Because people ARE still buying, even panic buying loo roll, and so I need to be in service to everyone who wants to make their sales COUNT. So instead of hiding and saying 'oh man, I launched the day before Donald Trump shut the sky down so it didn't work' I am going to rise above it. How can you do the same %FIRSTNAME% and raise your vibration to a level of being in service to your customers?

2. Ditch the need to meet people face to face to make connections. We live in a wonderful time where you can make so many awesome friends and connections on line. Without having to spread any germs. Make your meetings all Zoom based and be grateful we live in such a fab time of technology. Create a Facebook Group for your community to support each other and grow tighter TOGETHER. 

3. STICK to your daily habits of sleep, hydration, exercise to sweat, meditation and journalling. The health compromised are more likely to get the virus than those of robust immunity. It is up to YOU to look after your body. That same body is the one that runs your business and has to show up. If you let these daily habits slide then you're putting your business at risk too. 

4. SHOW UP. As the virus spreads and more and more people are being sent home to either isolate or work from home they suddenly have a tonne more free time. Think - no commuting time, no lunchtime wander through the shops, no open plan office watching your screen.....and what will everyone be doing? Scrolling their phone....and looking to be entertained and educated. This is the time to double down and BE SEEN. No matter what the little girl voice says in your head, tell her to eff off and get your message out there. And multiple times a day. 

5. People will be less and less inclined to go out and work and network. They will be working from home and while no-one is watching over their shoulder they'll start searching around the internet...ready to BUY. And BUY Things they never thought they would. Because when you're bored - you either eat or mindlessly spend to feel good. This is where having the right sales message in front of them will set you apart, and, ahead of the rest. Knowing what to say when they reach out to you either on messenger, on your sales page, on an ad or a post on Instagram or Facebook, via text or email is KEY to you thriving in this worldwide pandemic.

The Copy, Paste, Tweak Sales Swipe File Suite is ready for you, to make your sales easy and in service. www.pennyelliottgroup.com/cptsalesswipe

And 6. Because everyone loves a bonus. Know that the more money you make in your business the more you can give back when the time is right to your church or charity to get the world back on track. 

Big love,

Penny x