16. From passion to purpose to success. The key is curiosity.

16. From passion to purpose to success. The key is curiosity.

EP 16 - Cover A.png

She might not look like it, but this lady might have more years of experience being an entrepreneur than many of us combined. Catherine has seen highs and lows being in business but one belief has remained through all of it. If you are not growing your dying. Tune in to listen to how she has incorporated this philosophy in both business and personal development.


“No matter what stage of your life, you just need to keep expanding the mind and stay curious. That person who's on an adventure, who's looking within their mind to find better ways, better approaches and new ways”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….


whether you've got a million customers or whether you've got five customers or five clients, it's really about creating that depth, understanding who they are understanding what's important to them, what are their behaviors? What are their values? What are their interests and how can you meet those needs and add value to their world because their world is the most important thing to them.

[12:46] if we just chip away and we can create impact and we can do 1% this year and 1% next year in the next 10 years, we will have created a 10% change and that's better than nothing. So I think, you know, continuously striving and continuously looking and re-evaluating and assessing and measuring what you're doing today, how could I do this better? That's what matters.

[14:39] If I was to go back to my 18-year-old self, it would be, you don't need to work so hard. You don't need to, you don't need to prove yourself to anyone. Just keep educating yourself because I believe that can change the state of the world. If we continuously stretch our minds and we continuously stretch our learnings and our topics of interest, we become more interesting people.

[22:21] My most important daily rituals are those of telling yourself of your worth and your self-worth and your beliefs. It's just this constant repetition of the words relating to self-beliefs that every day that you are going to be a better version of yourself and that you will create wealth, then you will create set success and you will create knowledge. That's what gets me up when I'm my new bed at 10 past six and I can't be bothered to get out of bed.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


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Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

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